INTRODUCTION. The prevalence of financial scams has exploded over the decades. Online ease of access to sensitive information has enabled criminals to stealing money at an extraordinary rate. Getting scammed over the phone, online, or in person can be avoided with the right information. “The Aaron Harber Show TM,” produced by USA Talk Network, Inc. (HarberTV.com/Info) is designing a series of half-hour broadcast television programs that will educate citizens how to protect themselves against cybercrime, fraud, scams, and other financial and reputational rip-offs.
Sadly, in many cases, perpetrators can be acquaintances, friends, relatives or even immediate family members so Elder Abuse also will be a component of the initiative. The immediate need for this educational public affairs programming is due to the accelerating efforts by bad actors (in the U.S. and beyond) which are causing devastation to many people who are on the margin financially.
PRIMARY AUDIENCE. As part of the production of this series, “The Aaron Harber Show” will embark on a statewide tour, hosting Town Hall events open to citizens of all ages. They will be particularly focused on (1) young people — who need a foundational understanding to help them successfully confront challenges for decades to come and avoid losses which can impact them for a lifetime — and (2) the elderly — who frequently are the most vulnerable members of our communities and often are seen as easy prey.
The goal is to arm citizens with the information they need to detect and avoid scams as well as to inform them where to go for help. A key element of the series is to explain why it is important to ask for help and not let any embarrassment prevent a victim from contacting Law Enforcement or a Consumer Affairs agency for assistance
Scam Series Episodes*
- Episode 1 - The History & Future of Scams
- Episode 2 - Robocalls & New Technology
- Episode 3 - Internet Scams In All Shapes and Sizes
- Episode 4 - Elder Abuse by Family or Stranger
- Episode 5 - Ransomware Attacks Against Business & the Government
- Episode 6 - Undocumented Individual Scams
- Episode 7 - Military Personnel Scams
- Episode 8 - The Future of Scams and Developing Technology
- Episode 9 - Scam Solutions: Who is Fighting for Your Rights and How?
- Episode 10 - Protection: How to Keep Yourself from Being Duped
*Subject to change
INITIAL BROADCAST PLANS. The series has a formal commitment to have its broadcast premiere on KCDO-TV Channel 3 K3 Colorado ((Channel 3 over-the-air [i.e., via antenna] as well as Channel 3 on DirecTV, DISH Network, COMCAST, and other cable systems). KSBS Channel 10 (for over-the air viewers by antenna; also digital Channel 10.1) also will carry the series. Both stations will broadcast the programs on Sundays from 11:30 am to 12:00 pm.
The programs also will be posted online for 24/7 viewing. USA-TN will incorporate other broadcast and related platforms (see partner efforts, below) to assure millions of citizens have access to the series. The Colorado Broadcasters Association already is a partner in this initiative and has agreed to offer the programs to all its +300 member television and radio stations across the State.
EXPERTS & OFFICIALS. The following officials and their expert staff members have committed to participating in this series, including on-air appearances, attendance by the principals and/or their staff members at Town Hall events, and by providing expertise and research assistance.
- Jason Dunn, the U.S. Attorney for Colorado
- Phil Weiser, Colorado’s Attorney General
- Brett Barkey, District Attorney - 14th District
- George Brauchler, District Attorney - 18th District
- Bruce Brown, District Attorney - 5th District
- Jim Bullock, District Attorney - 16th District
- Christian Champange, District Attorney - 6th District
- Jeff Cheney, District Attorney - 9th District
- Molly Chilson, District Attorney - 11th District
- Jeff Chostner, District Attorney - 10th District
- Michael Dougherty, the Boulder District Attorney
- William Furse, District Attorney - 22nd District
- Dan Hotenpiller, District Attorney - 7th District
- Brittny Lewton, District Attorney - 13th District
- Dan May, District Attorney - 4th District
- Beth McCann, the Denver District Attorney
- Crista Newmyer-Olsen, District Attorney - 12th District
- Cliff Riedel, District Attorney - 8th District
- Michael Rourke, District Attorney - 19th District
- Daniel Rubinstein, District Attorney - 21st District
- Henry Solano, District Attorney - 3rd District
- Josh Vogel, District Attorney - 15th District
- Pete Weir, District Attorney - 1st District
- Dave Young, District Attorney - 17th District
Each of their offices has divisions or groups responsible for Consumer Affairs issues, including fraud, scams, and cybercrime as well as Elder Abuse. All of Colorado’s District Attorneys and other Law Enforcement agencies also will be invited to participate, including appearing at the local events where presentations will be made and citizens will have Question & Answer opportunities.
MODERATOR BACKGROUND. In addition to being recognized for his nonpartisan program — including being honored as ”Broadcaster of the Year” (HarberTV.com/Award), Aaron has been active in consumer rights and consumer affairs for many years. Some examples of his relevant background in these areas include the following past positions:
- Investment Advisor, registered with the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission.
- Founder & Principal, the Colorado Tax Service & the Colorado Accounting Service.
- High technology background as CEO of boutique software companies with clients such as Bank of America, Hughes, Motorola, Rockwell, Security Pacific Bank, and Sprint.
- Co-Founder and Chairman, Women’s Equity Fund.
- Financial Adviser to numerous non-profit organizations (pro bono) and small businesses.
- Gubernatorial appointee & first public member ever to be elected Chairman of the Attorney General’s Collection Agency Board in the Colorado Department of Law.
- Host of the statewide Consumer & Citizen Rights Talk Radio program, “The WatchDog TM” on Talk of the Rockies Network.
In his current role as host of “The Aaron Harber Show,” the program has featured numerous nationally-recognized law enforcement, consumer & citizen rights, cybercrime, financial, and investment guests.
EXPANDED PROGRAM DELIVERY. A key goal of this effort is to expand the reach of this educational public affairs television programming so it is available to 90% of all 5½ million Coloradans. Regional and national distribution opportunities also will be considered.
Through the use of its “Publishers Advantage Initiative TM” in conjunction with members of the Colorado Press Association and “Broadcasters Advantage Program TM” in conjunction with the Colorado Broadcasters Association, the series potentially will be available to millions of Coloradans.
Implementation of the “Broadcasters Advantage Program” will substantially magnify the size of the viewing audience. This will consist of applying the Publisher’s Advantage Initiative model to Colorado television and radio stations — most of which now also have their own Websites with extensive video offerings and want new content.
Expansion to these electronic media partners is based on a cooperative effort with the Colorado Broadcasters Association, which already has agreed to promote this outreach effort to its television and radio station members statewide. With the CBA’s assistance, the programming will be offered to numerous stations across the state — both on-air and via their Websites.
Each program will be available via a new standalone podcast series at no charge to listeners so as to give every Coloradans and citizens across the country unrestricted access to show. The podcast link also will be given to all Media Partners.
TOWN HALLS. The use of Town Hall forums as community events will be a source of some of the footage used to produce the television productions. Where appropriate, each Town Hall will be produced in conjunction with statewide and local publications, local and statewide electronic media, Chambers of Commerce, civic and other local organizations.
Some of the Town Hall and similar events may be live-streamed as well as recorded for broadcast use. Footage may be incorporated into programming to create shows which allow viewers across the State to see their fellow citizens asking expert panels the same questions they want answered. These events offer powerful opportunities to inform citizens in a visually effective manner.
SOCIAL MEDIA. A Social Media initiative will be a major implementation focus. The effort will expand the reach of the educational programming via the strategic use of key clips from the series for the creation of informed dialog for targeted demographics throughout the State.
The Social Media component is critically important in order to reach certain targeted demographics and is a high outreach priority. USA-TN will be able to effectively use Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and other Social Media resources by leveraging persons and entities who already have thousands of viewers, listeners, followers, subscribers, viewers, “friends,” et cetera, to invite Town Hall attendees as well as promote the completed programming, share highlights, and engage thousands of citizens in real-time discussions. This should greatly increase the impact of USA-TN’s programming efforts.
CONTENT. To maintain the integrity and independence of all programming, no third parties of any kind have any editorial control over the content of programing produced by USA Talk Network, Inc. or Aaron Harber except all broadcast partners have the final say regarding what completed programs delivered to them by USA-TN will be put on their channels, networks, Websites, apps, et cetera.
Completion of the project’s programming and other objectives, as described above, will be a function of the amount of funds raised and when those funds are received. The descriptions herein are based on the assumption the project is fully funded. If the project is not fully funded, a scaled-down version will be implemented with USA-TN solely deciding which of the elements described herein will be deployed. Changes in the project’s objectives and timing are solely controlled by USA-TN and are made independently of all other persons and entities.
The weekly show’s Website, guest lists, and viewable programs are at HarberTV.com.
For more information, please contact Jana Martin, Producer ([email protected]).
Thank you for your interest in promoting civil and mutually-respectful discourse!
This document is the proprietary property of USA Talk Network, Inc. and should be kept strictly confidential at all times. It should not be copied, reproduced, transmitted or conveyed – in whole or in part – without the express written consent of USA-TN.