Broadcast Information:
Every premiere broadcast of “The Aaron Harber Show” is on KCDO K3 Channel 3 Colorado (Denver Channel 3 & 3.1 and HD Comcast channel 649) at 11:00 and 11:30 am. K3 is available over-the-air to the metro area, as well as most of north-eastern Colorado and southern Wyoming. Via satellite, K3 can be seen in 48 counties across Colorado as well as large portions of Wyoming and Nebraska. Click Here to download a .pdf map of K3’s over-the-air and satellite coverage.
“The Aaron Harber Show” can also be seen on Comcast Entertainment Television (cable channel 105) at 7:30 pm on Monday nights by Comcast subscribers across the state, and through Comcast’s Video On Demand service.
You can also spot us on KPXC-ION Television at 5:30 am on Tuesday mornings and 5:00 am every other Thursday morning.
This page provides you with detailed information regarding where and how you can get the program. Remember, it is broadcast on Sunday mornings at 11:00 and 11:30 am on K3, Monday evenings at 7:30 pm on CET and Tuesday mornings at 5:30 am and every other Thursday morning at 5:00 am on ION.
If you are having trouble finding the show on your television set – whether via an over-the-air broadcast (i.e., using a television with an antenna) or via a cable or satellite service, contact us by e-mail and we will try to assist you right away. After all, without you, there would not be any show!
These listings change all the time, especially as cable systems and satellite services alter their line-ups. If you see an error in any of the following listings, please contact us and tell us right away. Thank you!

KCDO K3 Channel 3/28.3
Sundays at 11:00 am & 11:30 am

COMCAST Entertainment Television Cable Channel 105
Mondays at 7:00 & 7:30 pm
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1:00 & 1:30 pm
Sunday mornings

KPXC ION Media Networks Channel 43
Tuesdays at 5:30 am
Thursdasy at 5:00 am