Schedule Aaron for Speaking, Event Hosting, and Event Moderating

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Speaking and Moderating Sampler
Contact Information
For more information or to schedule Aaron for an event, please contact Aaron Harber at 303-666-6161 or [email protected]. Thank you for your interest!
Examples of Topics
➢ THE FEDERAL FISCAL CRISIS: “Napkin Magic — How To Balance The Budget In 15 Minutes”
Aaron uses his expertise on the Federal Budget and his extensive programming with former U.S. Senator Alan Simpson, former White House Chief of Staff Erskine Bowles (Co-Chairs of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, known as “the Simpson-Bowles Commission”), along with an extensive range of economic experts to illustrate how easy it is to balance the Federal Budget while simultaneously explaining why it is so difficult to accomplish the very same objective in Washington. Video clips include Simpson and Bowles with Aaron as well as a range of nationally-recognized economic experts. An extensive, highly interactive Q & A session is included.
➢ THE AMERICAN CIVILITY INITIATIVE: “Transforming Washington One Meal At A Time”
Everyone agrees and all the scientific evidence proves Washington, DC, and the citizens of the United States of America are not united. In fact, the U.S. House of Representatives, the U.S. Senate, and the American people are more divided than ever before in modern times. This polarization has resulted in a political process which has failed to address the nation’s most significant challenges. In this speech, Aaron explains how one element of transforming politics is the need for people to simply get to know each other as human beings. This theme is applicable to many situations in business, society, and other aspects of life. He begins with a story about his initial experience observing the impact of breaking bread while engaged in a heated debate at Princeton University and explains how the American Civility Initiative will be designed to change the destructive dynamics of DC. With the participation of both current and past members of the Senate, House, and Administration, Aaron gives an insider view of how the American Civility Initiative could represent the path for significant change in in the nation.
➢ THE WORLD OF ENERGY: “Why Everyone Hates Energy Companies… But Shouldn’t”
Aaron, as host and moderator of “The Energy Roundtable” ( — a subset of “The Aaron Harber Show” consisting of more energy-related programming than any other show in the history of broadcast television — explains why energy companies are despised by the public yet should be appreciated for all they do. Aaron uses the Energy Industry as an example of how a business sector with great stories and assets could engender much greater goodwill by deploying effective strategies and explains why it has failed in that mission. An extensive, highly interactive Q & A session is included.
➢ INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS: “The Third Way — How America Can Be Restored Abroad”
With Department of Defense , State Department, Veterans Affairs Department, Energy Department (for DOD-related missions), and Homeland Security budgets approaching $1 trillion annually, the United States spends almost as much on defense as the rest of the world’s 195 nations combined yet is despised in many countries. Aaron — a graduate of Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public & International Affairs — examines the world’s hot-spots and illustrates how other approaches by the United States could save taxpayer money, generate new revenue, be far more effective, and promote a positive image for America while simultaneously supporting U.S. business activity globally. An extensive, highly interactive Q & A session also is included.
➢ TELEVISION & THE MEDIA: “Television’s Maverick: Principles Of Why They Come To Me”
Aaron has been known for getting Top Tier guests — prominent people who often rarely appear at length on any program. Aaron reveals his strategies for getting guests such as President Clinton, General David Petraeus, Deepak Chopra, Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, General Colin Powell, Queen Noor of Jordan, film director James Cameron, Secretary of State and Treasury Secretary James Baker, actor Kevin Costner, FBI Director Robert Mueller, film director Oliver Stone. He explains strategies others can use to maximize their own career success. Aided by clips of his most famous guests, Aaron discloses a story about each one which few people have heard and uses it to illustrate easily transferable principles of success. An extensive, highly interactive Q & A session is included.
➢ THE CHALLENGES OF LEADERSHIP: “Born or Learned Leadership — Secrets Of Successful Leaders”
Using a series of video clips in which some of his most prominent guests talk about their views on leadership, what they believe are the components of successful leadership, and who they respect as great leaders, Aaron gives a “guided tour” of highlights and discusses whether or not leaders are “born” and how leadership skills and traits (such as charisma) can or cannot be acquired. Video clips are selected from Aaron’s guests such as General Colin Powell, activist Ralph Nader, CIA Director and General David Petraeus, Director Oliver Stone, Secretary of State and Treasury Secretary James Baker, FBI Director Robert Mueller, publisher Steve Forbes, Mayor Michael Hancock, and Senator Alan Simpson, among many others.An extensive, highly interactive Q & A session is included
Links for Additional Information
For more background information for you and others you believe would be interested in our public affairs initiative, please use the following links (and feel free to forward these links to others):
- “The Aaron Harber Show” Demo Reel
- Aaron’s Narrative Biography
- “The Aaron Harber Show” Website
- “The Aaron Harber Show” Description
- “The Aaron Harber Show” 30-second Open
- Sample “U.S. Fiscal Debate” programs
- List of Energy guests & programs
- “The Aaron Harber Show: Colorado Now!”
- “TAHS: Colorado Now!” Presentation
What Sets Aaron Apart from Other Television Hosts?
It is not a single factor or attribute that differentiates Aaron; rather, it is the combination of factors which makes him unique. That is, while other hosts may have some of the same experiences, accomplishments, abilities or traits, no one else has the combination which Aaron has. Here are several examples of these qualities.
Aaron has the ability to discuss complex subjects in a manner which is intelligible to most viewers and listeners — and his approach resonates with them.
Aaron’s educational background — with degrees from Princeton University (concentrating in Economics at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public & International Affairs) and Harvard University (a Masters in Public Administration with a focus on Ethics in Business, Politics, and Government at the John F. Kennedy School of Government) — gives him considerable academic credentials.
Specifically, Aaron’s educational background in economics, politics, and international affairs adds depth and dimensions to his work most television hosts and moderators do not have.
Aaron’s extensive Private Sector experience gives him an insider’s perspective on how the Free Market succeeds and fails. He understands what works and what doesn’t work based on his own experience in terms of both successes and failures managing a range of businesses (which ultimately gave him a high level of personal financial success).
Aaron’s Private Sector experience gives his the advantage of understanding how both small and large companies work (having had clients as small as one-person start-ups to large companies such as Bank of America, Rockwell International, Motorola, Hughes Aircraft, and Sprint).
Aaron’s firsthand experience working with government entities (e.g., the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Office of Telecommunications, the Energy Information Administration, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the Colorado Department of Natural Resources) gives him an insider’s understanding of what government can and cannot do well.
Aaron’s firsthand experience with the United States Tax Code, having created the Colorado Accounting & Tax Service and having worked with hundreds of clients (and successfully representing some before the Internal Revenue Service), gives him an understanding of how the tax system works and what reforms are needed to address wastefulness and inefficiency.
Aaron’s extensive work with non-profit and charitable organizations (including serving as president or chairman of a number of them — ranging from arts organizations to government agencies to environmental groups to educational institutions) gives him an understanding of how these organizations function, help others, and can be more efficient and effective so they can do even more.
Aaron’s Political experience, including having won two statewide Electoral College elections and a statewide party officer race as well as his election three times as a Presidential Delegate and his election to a national Presidential Credentials Committee combine to give him an insider’s view of the world of politics.
Aaron’s comprehensive understanding of the Media and his expertise in the Media (especially television, which built on his prior experience as a nationally-recognized Talk Radio host) position him well for accomplishing substantive goals.
Aaron in-depth understanding of specific topics — e.g., Economics (including the U.S. Fiscal Crisis), Politics, Energy, Leadership, Media, Education, Science, Medicine, Health Care, et cetera — allows him to engage in discussions at levels avoided by many others. This offers viewers a different perspective on issues.
The fact Aaron’s programming always has been nonpartisan and is seen as objective positions him as a person viewers across the political can trust. That is sorely lacking today and separates Aaron from most of today’s television host pack.
Aaron’s access to top tier guests rivals that of most national programs.
Aaron’s approach to get the best from each of his guests, rather than attempt to seek “gotcha” moments also makes him different from the approach many programs use.
The show’s long-form format gives guests the opportunity to be substantive and counters the sound-bite approach many programs deploy today.
Aaron has a proven track record of accomplishment and a history of performance — both on and off the air.
Aaron’s experience and knowledge of the history of the past few decades gives him a perspective which is based in fact. Being able to make historical references brings a dimension of fact to discussions which often are held in a historical and factual vacuum today — where opposing sides all too often have their own versions of “the facts.” Aaron helps bring agreement on key facts so discussions are productive.
American leaders see Aaron as providing value to the country, as illustrated by the following quote from former U.S. Senator Alan Simpson, the Co-Chair of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and reform, when talking about “The Great Economics Debate” organized by USA Talk Network and hosted by Aaron. Senator Simpson explained, “This special media event gives Americans the clear opportunity to examine all the facts for themselves. Our future depends on moving away from biased and distorted information and towards this nonpartisan, fact-based model created so carefully by Aaron Harber. I earnestly hope many folks will take advantage of this program and either attend or view it. It’s a powerful force in helping us to build a strong economic future together.
Broadcaster of the Year Award
Aaron was honored this year to receive the “Broadcaster of the Year” Award from the Colorado Broadcasters Association. The award is not an annual one and only is given out when the CBA decides a person is deserving of it. Aaron said, “Words cannot express how it feels to be honored by my peers in this way. When I look at the extraordinary people in the radio & television broadcast world who already have received this, I am truly humbled. There also are many people I should thank because the success I’ve had in my broadcast career — starting in Talk Radio and then moving exclusively into broadcast television — is due to the support and participation of hundreds of people. This includes mentors (such as STARZ founder John Sie and former PBS national station group leader and CU Mass Communications Dean, Wick Rowland) to stations which gave me my start (such as Colorado Public Television and now KCDO-TV Channel 3 in Denver and Greg Armstrong, its General Manager), supporters who donated to fund our nonpartisan program (such as the Knight Foundation, the Sie Foundation, other organizations, and many individuals), and the Producers and staff members of our program over the years. Thank you very much for such an honor.”
Aaron's Biography
Aaron Harber hosts “The Aaron Harber Show TM” ( seen on…
(1) Denver’s Channel 3 — KCDO-TV (Channel 3 over-the-air by antenna, and Channel 3 on COMCAST, DirecTV, and DISH),
(2) COMCAST Entertainment Television in Denver and statewide throughout Colorado,
(3) ION Television statewide in Colorado (KPXC-TV),
(4) COMCAST Hometown Network in California,
(5) COMCAST Heartland Network in Indiana and Michigan,
(6) COMCAST Entertainment Television in Utah, and,
(7) the Worldwide Web via free, 24/7 online accessibility worldwide at
He is the recipient of the prestigious “Broadcaster of the Year” award from the Colorado Broadcasters Association — an honor not given every year by the CBA.
From 2017 through 2020, he is scheduled to be the host in Washington, D.C. of “The American Civility Initiative TM” ( , and “The Great Climate Change Debate: What Does The Science Really Say? TM” (
Both television series are modeled on “The Great Economics Debate: What Is America’s Financial Future? TM” produced in Washington and featuring the Chairmen of the Simpson-Bowles Commission — Senator Al Simpson and former White House Chief of Staff Erskine Bowles — and other nationally-recognized experts (
A sampling of Aaron’s in studio and on location guests (all in person) includes Presidents (Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Donald Trump), heads of state (Iceland President Ólafur Grímsson, Rwanda President Paul Kagame, Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf, Ireland President Mary Robinson,) U.S. Supreme Court Justices (Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sandra Day O’Connor), Secretaries of State (Madeleine Albright, James Baker, John Kerry, Colin Powell), Senators (Bill Armstrong, Michael Bennet, Hank Brown, Ben Campbell, Bill Frist, Cory Gardner, Ed Markey, Dan Russell, Al Simpson, Arlen Specter, Tim Wirth), Governors (Steve Beshear, Richard Celeste, Mitch Daniels, John Hickenlooper, Dick Lamm), FBI Director Robert Mueller, Generals (John Allen, Wesley Clark, Michael Hayden, David Petraeus, Colin Powell), CBS Anchor Bob Schieffer, economist Paul Krugman, Media mogul, Ted Turner, PBS Anchor Jim Lehrer, Forbes Inc. Chairman Steve Forbes, Directors (James Cameron, Oliver Stone), Ambassadors (Ryan Crocker, Swanee Hunt), U.S. Solicitor General Ted Olson, NBC Nightly News Anchor Brian Williams, wellness guru Deepak Chopra, Oilman T. Boone Pickens, Jordan’s Queen Noor, Dr. Mehmet Oz, EPA Administrators (Lisa Jackson, Scott Pruitt, William Reilly), Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis, Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood, Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff, Actor Kevin Costner, FBI DirectorRobert Mueller, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, CNN’s John King, Tax reformer Grover Norquist, Civil Rights icons Jesse Jackson and John Lewis, Craigslist founder Craig Newmark, billionaire Phillip Anschutz, and Sportscaster Bob Costas.
Aaron’s career in broadcasting began in 1992 when he served as the host of the “The WatchDog” — a political issues, consumer affairs, and citizens’ rights program on the Talk of the Rockies Network. In 1994, he became host of “Against The Rush” — a humorous but cogent response to Rush Limbaugh. The show was produced by USA Talk Network and broadcast on 51 stations by the Talk America Radio Network.
Aaron gained national recognition when he was sued frivolously for $20 million by Limbaugh, et al, for using the word “Rush” in the title of his national radio talk show. With broad-based support across the entire political spectrum, Aaron won the First Amendment case in Federal Court when Limbaugh was forced to dismiss his own case. Limbaugh threatened to sue Aaron again but never followed through — permanently sealing Aaron’s Free Speech victory.
The talk industry’s leading publication — “TALKERS MAGAZINE” — selected Aaron out of 5,000 hosts across the country as one of America’s 100 “Most Important Talk Show Hosts In 1997” (along with such luminaries as Don Imus, Gordon Liddy, Rush Limbaugh, Laura Schlesinger, Howard Stern, and Bruce Williams). In 1997, he moved from Talk Radio exclusively into the television arena, beginning as a guest host, then becoming a co-host two years later, and eventually having his own program (titled “Spontaneous Combustion”) on Public Television.
From 2002 to 2009, Aaron served as the host of “The Aaron Harber Show” on KBDI-TV Channel 12 (Colorado Public Television) — a meticulous look at the issues of the day — and its “Capitol Report” special editions. He also has developed the concept for “Blind Justice” — a critical examination of America’s Legal System — which is expected to be in development for some time due to his other commitments.
From 1998 to 2009, Aaron served as the on-camera Political Analyst for CW2 of the CW Network (previously Tribune Broadcasting station KWGN/WB2 – including when it was part of the Warner Brothers Network). He also has served as an on-air political analyst for ABC affiliate KMGH Channel 7 and CBS affiliate KCNC Channel 4 and has made appearances or had his program footage used both locally (e.g., NBC affiliate KUSA Channel 9) and nationally (e.g., “The Chris Matthews Show”).
In 2000, Aaron hosted the groundbreaking nonpartisan campaign series, “Election 2000” which was broadcast on over-the-air television (Colorado Public Television KBDI/TV-12) as well as on the Web, thanks to funding from the John S. and James L Knight Foundation and a partnership with The Denver Post. Two years later, he hosted the nonpartisan “Election 2002” series on Colorado Public Television as a demonstration of how to promote unbiased election information broadcasts and to provide citizens with extensive candidate access and election coverage.
He served as a host on “Colorado Decides 2004” when it became a joint venture of Channel 4/KCNC-TV (CBS-4), KBDI-TV Channel 12, and the Rocky Mountain News. For “Colorado Decides 2006” he served as the host/moderator and/or the primary questioner for all 21 programs in 2006 — including “live” call-in television shows. He reprised his role for “Colorado Decides 2008” and also served as the key on-air political commentator for a special live nightly series at the 2008 Democratic National Convention, held in Denver. During the Convention, Aaron was the on-air commentator for 2½ hours every night of the Convention along with the CBS4 lead anchor team.
In 2008, Aaron also hosted the nation’s first extensive, long-form series on any race at the federal level. Titled, “The Senate In Balance TM,” Aaron hosted 22 special half-hour programs ( which provided citizens with an in-depth look at the contest between Democratic U.S. Representative Mark Udall and Republican former U.S. Representative Bob Schaffer. Other participants and supporters of the project included the retiring incumbent U.S. Senator Wayne Allard (R) and Colorado’s other incumbent U.S. Senator, Ken Salazar (D), as well as all of Colorado’s living previous U.S. Senators — Bill Armstrong (R), Hank Brown (R), Ben Campbell (R), Gary Hart (D), and Tim Wirth (D). The initiative received many accolades as did Aaron for his impartial work.
Aaron left Colorado Public Television in 2009 and received an offer to have his program originate from commercial station KCDO-TV (K3 Colorado Channel 3) which also allowed his programs to be carried on a variety of other channels, stations, and networks. Aaron accepted the offer and joined the team at Channel 3.
In addition to his regular program, Aaron became the host and moderator for the 48-program series titled, “Colorado Election 2010 TM” ( which provided more election programming on federal and state races than any other program known to be broadcast over-the-air in American history. He also created the innovative experimental Publishers Advantage Program as a way to assist newspapers by using television to attract readers, subscribers, and advertisers to print publications. The Publishers Advantage Program was a pilot effort structured to allow newspapers and other publications to use television to become more competitive with all forms of media.
Due to the national and international focus of his program, “The Aaron Harber Show ,” in 2010 Aaron also was named the host of a new KCDO-TV (K3 Colorado Channel 3) series, titled “The Aaron Harber Show: Colorado Now!” which had a focus on Colorado opinion- and thought-leaders, events, and organizations.
Aaron also has hosted “The Energy Roundtable TM” — a series within “The Aaron Harber Show” ( focused on issues related to Energy, the Environment, the Economy, and their interrelation. “The Energy Roundtable” series has featured over 100 programs and more than 200 guests. No other series broadcast over-the-air has featured more energy-related programs in the history of the United States than “The Energy Roundtable.”
In 2014, Aaron was the moderator of “Colorado Election 2014,” the nation’s first such joint venture between a major newspaper (The Denver Post) and an over-the-air commercial television station (KCDO-TV Channel3). The public affairs series was formally announced by The Denver Post ( and also was broadcast by COMCAST Entertainment Television and ION television (KPXC-TV). To inform citizens, a record-setting total of 75 half-hour public affairs programs were produced and broadcast in the series.
In 2015, Aaron began serving as the moderator of a second statewide weekly program, “The Aaron Harber Show: Colorado Business News” on KCDO-TV Channel 3, COMCAST Entertainment Television, and ION Television. While his regular weekly program continued to concentrate on national and international guests and issues, the focus of “Colorado Business News” was on business activity in the Rocky Mountain region, with an emphasis on economic and financial issues and stories in Colorado. This was done in conjunction with the Denver Business Journal, the State’s primary business publication, which was a content partner in the broadcast initiative.
Aaron also is an occasional columnist for the State’s major political publication, “The Colorado Statesman,” and served in the same capacity previously for The Denver Daily News. His writings are available on the television program’s Website — as well as at The Huffington Post ( His columns have been distributed by numerous publications, including The Washington Post online.
Although it is true the highlight of Aaron’s life was being a Bat Boy for the Chicago White Sox at age 15 (he was one of the winners in a Chicago newspaper essay-writing contest), it hasn’t been completely downhill from there. Aaron began his business career days after being graduated from college, when he started the Colorado Accounting & Tax Servicewith $1,500 he had saved from college jobs he performed while working his way through school.
Since then he has been involved in numerous businesses ranging from survey research to high technology (where he organized software companies) to venture capital to Talk Radio to movie and television production, among others. An environmentalist and an equal rights and opportunity advocate, Aaron also is a strong pro-business, Free-Market proponent. He believes a properly and fairly regulated Free Market can create opportunities for everyone.
Unlike many other talk show hosts who give opinions about subjects they know little about, Aaron has extraordinary firsthand experience and knowledge about business, government, education, politics, the Law, entertainment, Media, and the Press. His media activities are widely recognized for their consistent fairness, accessibility, and nonpartisan nature.
As co-founder and chairman in the early 1990’s of the Women’s Equity Fund, an experimental venture capital firm helping women and men start new businesses and expand existing ones, Aaron promoted the concept of changing the often unfairly limited access women had to business capital. He also was appointed and served on the City of Boulder’s Human Relations Commission and directed the improvement of its budgetary process for allocating grants.
He was the chairman of Centre Entertainment, Inc. — a video and film production and distribution company (“A Norman Rockwell Christmas” and “Legend Of The Spirit Dog”). He served as president of Wild Horse Productions, Inc.— a company originally formed to develop the feature film concept, “Wild Horses,” for Animal Planet and Discovery Communications, Inc. for which a complete script and casting received final approval.
Aaron pioneered the 100-year vision for the Golden Run community in Colorado, as an example of the possibilities for the nation’s first truly sustainable, large-scale, zero net energy, zero net waste community. The vision was for an imaginatively designed, walkable, economically sustainable, environmentally-friendly multi-generational neighborhood focused on the needs of mature adults, senior citizens in their later years, young families, the disabled, and people requiring special levels of care. The concept is to create a community where people can live, work, play, recreate, shop, and enjoy life — all in an ecologically sound manner. Golden Run remains only a concept and will continue to be refined in the coming years but is supported by a National Sustainability Council ( which includes national and international leaders in the sustainability arena.
Aaron also was a co-founder and served as president and chairman of Silicon Valley software company TeamOne Systems (in the Apollo, Digital, Hewlett-Packard, IBM and Sun Microsystems markets) which tackled the national need to improve productivity in almost every business arena by automating the writing of computer software. He also was elected as chairman of the innovative fiber-optic large-display start-up company Mall TV, Inc. and he served as chairman of one of the nation’s first retail Virtual Reality start-up companies, V-Space, Inc.
For over three decades, Aaron has served as president of American Research Corporation, where his work included strategic planning, research, business advisory services, organizational consulting, public opinion polling, and computer software. He has managed software development projects, served private and public sector clients domestically and internationally, and participated in state and federal government projects.
A sample of his past customers at ARC include Bank of America, Motorola Corporation, the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Atari, Inc., Memorex, SPRINT, Case Western Reserve, Environment Canada, Rockwell International, Knight-Ridder’s VIEWDATA Corporation, Unisys, Public Service Company, Hughes Aircraft, the U.S. Department of Energy, Tandem Computers, Security Pacific National Bank, and the Energy Information Administration.
Aaron also was elected to as a member of the governing Board of Trustees of Princeton University. He served as a member of Princeton’s Department of Civil & Geological Engineering’s Advisory Committee as well as on numerous other committees (including the University’s primary fundraising and resource committee).
Aaron worked internationally after being elected Vice-President and then President of the 3,000-member International Tandem [Computers] Users’ Group, and helped lead the group to its independence as an autonomous and self-sufficient organization.
While registered as an Investment Adviser with the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission, Aaron extensively donated his financial and tax advisory services to men and women starting businesses as well as to charitable organizations on a pro bono basis. He continues to assist many groups today as an informal advisor and volunteer.
Aaron’s community involvement also has included doing fundraising for the University of Colorado, serving as the first president and chairman of the Nancy Spanier Dance Theatre of Colorado, working as a Volunteer Probation Counselor for the City and County Courts of Denver, and serving on the board of directors of the Boulder Philharmonic Orchestra. He has been a regular volunteer auctioneer for the annual fundraiser for the Boulder Chamber Orchestraand was elected to its Board of Directors.
Aaron was co-director of the Chicano Film Project, which produced the documentary film, “Los Inmigrantes.” He has worked as a volunteer for ECO-CYCLE and as a Relief House Parent for Boulder Attention Homes (an alternative to jail for young offenders). Over three decades ago, he was the first (and then only) male ever elected to the Board of Directors of the Boulder County Women’s Resource Center and for decades has been a strong proponent of equal rights for women. He also has served as the moderator and the facilitator of numerous panels and as a keynote speaker.
Aaron was elected Secretary of the Colorado Democratic Party in 1983. He was elected as a Presidential Delegateto the 1984 National Convention in San Francisco and also was elected to the Convention’s original National Credentials Committee. He was a candidate for Secretary of State in 1982 and later won his party’s nomination in 1990.
In both 1996 and 2000, Aaron won election in a statewide party race to represent Colorado in the Electoral College. In addition to his 1984 delegate win, he similarly was elected as a Presidential Delegate to the Democratic National Conventions in Chicago (1996) and Los Angeles (2000).
Aaron has served as parliamentarian and secretary of numerous political assemblies and conventions, at the county, congressional, and state level. He was elected as chair of State Senate District 17 and as Vice Chair of House District 31, and has held many other elected party positions — ranging from Precinct Committeeperson to Caucus Chair and Secretary to County, Congressional, State, and National delegate.
Aaron has held no partisan position since 2000 due to his work in the Media. He remains committed to continue to be seen as an objective, independent, nonpartisan member of the Press.
Aaron is known for his fairness and the equal access he has provided Republicans and Democrats to all his radio and TV shows — including his exclusive broadcasts from the 1996 Republican National Convention. He has broadcast his show “live” from places as disparate as the Democratic Leadership Council to the White House Press Room to the Pentagon to the conservative Heritage Foundation. He also traveled to Iraq during the War at the invitation of General David Petraeus where he interviewed the General at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad.
Aaron’s political views include elements from both major parties and from some minority parties. His philosophy is to consider as many views as possible and come to rational, thoughtful positions not bound by any particular partisan, “blind-faith” ideology. He believes in offering people a “helping hand” and assisting them in becoming independent — not dependent.
A staunch supporter of the concept of public disclosure, “sunshine” laws, Open Records Acts, and transparency, Aaron fought a precedent-setting battle against the State of Colorado in 1982 in which the Secretary of State ultimately was required to release public information in its most usable form (i.e., electronic rather than paper). A decade later, in 1993, he won a case against another government entity (the Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District) which had tried to use the law and the cost of litigation to hide important public information from citizens and the Press. And in 1994, at the request of the Sierra Club, he agreed to intervene in a case against the NCWCD filed by the Sierra Club by formally supporting the Club’s position in a joint filing.
Colorado Governor Roy Romer appointed Aaron to the Colorado Department of Law’s Collection Agency Board(“CAB”) in the Office of the Attorney General in 1988. Aaron served there under both Democratic and Republican Attorneys General and promoted improvements on behalf of consumers. He was elected in 1989 as the first public member ever to serve as Chairman of the Board. In 1990, he was appointed by the Governor to serve as a business representative on the State’s Complete Count Committee for the 1990 U.S. Census.
Aaron has chaired numerous domestic and international events and is known as an excellent public speaker, moderator, and facilitator. He mediates crises and advises numerous organizations pro bono. His favorite activity is problem-solving in a “win/win” mode. Every year he also donates many of his appearances to assist charitable groups. For more information about Aaron’s moderating work and speaking topics, go to
Aaron has served as a member of the board of the Prostate Cancer Education Council. His greatest contribution to helping fight cancer was his directorial debut in 2006 when he directed General Colin Powell in the production of four nationally-broadcast television Public Service Announcements encouraging men to get tested. He also has volunteered multiple times as the emcee of various charitable events (such as the annual “Free To Breathe” charity 5K race in Denver to support lung cancer survivors and lung cancer research) and has personally hosted fundraising events (e.g., for a local church).
Aaron also served on the Accountability Committee for his daughter’s public school, Peak to Peak K-12 Charter School, helped with the school’s fundraising (including the school’s primary annual fundraising dinner and auction), and worked in the school’s cafeteria as a volunteer serving lunch to students. He also helped with fundraising and was a volunteer who helped served as the emcee and auctioneer for the annual major fundraiser at his daughter’s elementary school (Bixby School) where he also served lunch for many years.
He has served on the Advisory Board of the Colorado Media School and donates a considerable amount of his time every week to charitable organizations to help them with organizational planning and fundraising as well as to individuals who need business and personal advice.
Aaron was graduated first in his class from Fairview High School in Boulder, Colorado, where he gave the valedictory address at the school’s commencement, held at Macky Auditorium at the University of Colorado. He received his undergraduate degree (A.B.) from Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs (concentrating in Economics).
At Princeton, Aaron became the first person in the then 220-year history of the University to win the two awards for being the person who did the most for his class and the person who did the most for the entire University during his four years in attendance. For these accomplishments, he received both the W. Sanderson Detwiler Prize and the Class of 1901 Medal.
Aaron received a master’s degree in Public Administration (M.P.A.) from Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government (concentrating in Ethics in business, government, and politics), where he also examined campaign finance laws and election practices in all 50 states.
Aaron’s primary role in life is raising his daughter — whose unending homework questions kept him very busy for many years. His hobbies are running (he is not very fast but he keeps going), basketball (his height helps), tennis (he’s not very good but he can play), and eating (he’s very good at this). He also has been a Puppy Raiser and a courier (delivering puppies by air) for Guide Dogs for the Blind and has been caring for multiple pets for decades while living on and managing a 320-acre Colorado farm located between Lafayette and Erie — all for more than quarter of a century.
For more information or for any requests, please e-mail [email protected] or visit Thank you.
Last revised: 09-15-17