Broadcast Schedule Notification Sign-Up
If you would like to be on our email list to receive periodic information about our broadcast schedule and other show related events, just complete the following form. Please tell your family, friends, and associates about this option and encourage them to participate. It’s a free service and anyone can join.
Here is a list of the type of information you will receive when you sign up!
- Advance lists of program topics, dates, and guests appearing on the shows.
- Program taping dates.
- Information on special projects.
- Press Releases and advance news about our shows.
- Notice of significant updates to the Website.
- Aaron's public speaking schedule.
- Special offers from our sponsors & advertisers.
We also will be conservative about how much email we send you. We will never spam you. We will try to send you information about once a month, depending on our program schedules. We also will try to consolidate information for you to make efficient use of each message we send.
PRIVACY NOTICE: We want you to know we respect your privacy. The information you provide us will be kept strictly confidential. It will not be shared, at any time, with any other party. It will be used only (and we mean ONLY) to send information from us to you. Period.Once you sign up, you have complete control as to how long you wish to remain on the Broadcast Schedule Notification Sign-Up list. You can delete your name at any time.
If you have any trouble signing up or if you have any problem with the service, please contact us at
Although the only information we truly need is your email address, we would like to have your name so we can address you personally. You have the option, however, of including your name or not.
Thanks, again, for joining us. We hope you will be pleased with the information we send you